Handy Ways to Keep Your Child's Eyes Safe

1. Consumption of Fatty Fish, Vegetables, and Fruits

Researchers have discovered that consuming lutein and zeaxanthin-rich fruits and vegetables can shield eyes from oxidative damage3. Foods including kale, collard greens, spinach, brussels sprouts, egg yolks, corn, avocado, pistachios, goji berries, orange peppers, kiwi, grapes, orange juice, and zucchini are sources of these nutrients. Salmon, herring, and tuna are examples of fatty fish that are good for the development of the eyes.

2. Promote Good Eye Care Practises

Keep good eye care practises by giving your child enough light when they are reading or playing. Your child should be kept a minimum of 50 centimetres away from technological devices and 30 to 40 centimetres away from the book when reading. It’s also crucial to get at least eight hours of sleep every night to avoid your child’s eyes becoming tired.

3. Spend More Time Outside.

Outdoor activities have been found in studies to halt the progression of myopia2. Including more outside activities with your youngster, such as swimming or cycling, is therefore a good idea. Your child’s hand-eye coordination will also improve as a result of these outside activities. Just keep in mind to stay away from the hottest parts of the day.

4. Allow Their Eyes to Rest.

It’s advised to take regular breaks every 30 to 40 minutes whether reading, writing, or using a computer. Reduced use of handheld devices, cell phones, and other electronic devices is also necessary.