Eye Health

How to Maintain it?​

Eye Health: How to Maintain it?

Take care not to take your sight for granted. To keep your eyes healthy, follow these simple instructions.

1. Eat Healthy

Starting with the food you eat will promote good eye health. Vitamins C and E, lutein, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids may all be helpful in preventing age-related visual issues such macular degeneration and cataracts. Put these foods on your plate to obtain them


Collards, spinach, and other green leafy veggies.


Tuna, salmon, and other oily fish.


Other non-meat protein sources include eggs, almonds, beans, and legumes.


Oranges, lemon along with other citrus fruits or juices.

Keeping a healthy weight is made easier by eating a well-balanced diet. It reduces your chance of getting obesity and related conditions like type 2 diabetes, which is the primary cause of adult blindness.

2. Put on Sunglasses

UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun might harm your eyes if you don’t use the proper sunglasses. Your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration increases with excessive UV exposure.


Ideally, your sunglasses should block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB radiation. Your eyes are better shielded from the side by wraparound lenses. While reducing glare when driving, polarised lenses don’t always provide additional protection.

3. Stop Smoking

It raises the likelihood of getting macular degeneration, cataracts, and damage to your optic nerve, among many other medical conditions. If you’ve already tried to break the habit but failed, try again. The more attempts you make to quit, the greater your chance of success. Consult your doctor for assistance.

4. Get Your Attention Off The Computer Screen

Too much time spent looking at a computer or smartphone screen can lead to Eyestrain, Blurry Vision, Trouble Focusing at a Distance, Dry Eyes, Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Pain.